
Sunday, November 20, 2011

my kind neighbor, her great gift

My friend Ginny gave this to me, it is classic Orvis reel, and a rod too, although they don't quite line up as a fit together, I was able to work it out.  This reel is pretty nice.  It will go on the shelf soon, think I locked it up.  Orvis may take it and fix it for a small fee...but it sure made for a nice day of fishing on Glacier Creek.   How she could say "I don't use these anymore, take them...."  and Orvis written all over them...her random act of kindness for the day.

And it was only this last year I found a rod and reel along a river, forgotten in the dusk, and brought it home.   Heard a biker guy was going fishing, fly fishing and had no rod and reel...passed the one I found on to him.   Not sure he will use it, was more of a salt water guy, but you never know.

That was my random act of kindness for the day.

And a reminder to never leave your rod on the ground!

That is my fishing tip to you today!

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